Two Christians in Egypt released after three years in jail without trial
Two Christian converts from Islam who were locked in an Egyptian prison and held for three years without trial have been released, religious rights advocates said.
Two Christian converts from Islam who were locked in an Egyptian prison and held for three years without trial have been released, religious rights advocates said.
Hundreds of Muslims from various Islamic groups last week protested the presence of two evangelists at a major gospel event in Indonesia’s Central Sulewesi Province, according to local reports.
A Christian convert from Islam in Somalia has lost his speech after his Muslim wife hit him with a heavy metallic object for practicing his faith, sources said.
A court in Sudan has sentenced seven Christians to prison terms of five and seven years on false charges of theft, sources said.
Intelligence agents of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) on Jan. 14 arrested and tortured at least seven Christians in Shendi, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) northeast of Khartoum, sources said.
Bent on suppressing Christianity in Iran, Islamic courts handed down six times more prison time to persecuted Christians in 2024 than the previous year, according to advocacy group Article 18.
A Christian woman in central India suffered a miscarriage this month after tribal relatives who practice traditional religion beat and strangled her, sources said.
The Muslim family of a young man in Sudan’s Darfur Region has disowned him and compelled his wife to divorce him because he converted to Christianity, an area source said.
Authorities prevented Christians internally displaced by war in Sudan from celebrating Christmas in a park where they had taken refuge, sources said.
Hindu extremists in eastern India on Dec. 26 stripped and beat a tribal Christian woman, tying her to a tree after she redressed and continuing to torture her till she lost consciousness, sources said.
Muslims in Indonesia said they will sue Catholic leaders to prevent completion of a church building after months of construction, sources said.
A Muslim couple and their adult son who gave their lives to Christ in November were burned to death on Dec. 26 in eastern Uganda, sources said.