Young Christian woman in Pakistan escapes Muslim captor
An 18-year-old woman has been reunited with her Catholic family after six months of captivity, forced conversion to Islam and coerced marriage to the Muslim who abducted her, sources said.
An 18-year-old woman has been reunited with her Catholic family after six months of captivity, forced conversion to Islam and coerced marriage to the Muslim who abducted her, sources said.
While some parts of the world experience horrific terrorism and abuse of Christians, churches have the opportunity to make the biggest difference for religious freedom in the world today. In this fourth part of a series on religious freedom, our attention turns to East Asia.
Chinese New Year celebrates the year of the snake. During this auspicious time, Chinese Christians can take the opportunity to reflect on the various snake appearances in the Bible. There is much to be thankful for.
While some parts of the world experience horrific terrorism and abuse of Christians, churches have the opportunity to make the biggest difference for religious freedom in the world today. In this third part of a series on religious freedom, our attention turns to South Asia.
As the numbers of foreign ministry workers decreases in China how can the international community continue to support and walk alongside beloved Chinese brothers and sisters? This question is best addressed through long term relationships.
Pakistan’s preferential trade status could be jeopardized if it does not address human rights concerns, including controversial blasphemy laws, forced marriages/conversions of minority girls and freedom of religion, a European Union (EU) delegation said on Friday (Jan. 31).
The president of Pakistan on Wednesday (Jan. 29) signed into law a digital crimes measure that church and rights leaders fear will be misused to persecute people who share persecution news online or criticize the government for its inability to stop such incidents.
Police in Pakistan this week arrested a mentally challenged Christian on blasphemy charges despite being aware of his condition, sources said.
Christian institutions and churches across India commemorated the nation’s 76th Republic Day with flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural programmes, and special prayers for the country’s well-being and progress.
Reports of a recent dispute in the Church of Pakistan (CoP) about a regional bishop’s authority to appoint a successor without the involvement of the national leadership has revealed serious tensions that once again tear at the unity of the largest Protestant denomination in the country.
A court in Pakistan on Saturday (Jan. 25) acquitted Christian twin brothers of a false blasphemy accusation as the prosecution failed to prove charges against them, their attorney said.