The Anglican Communion's recently released draft measures attempt to handle divisive contemporary issues such as ordination of women and treatment of same-sex marriage within the Anglican Church that spans 165 countries. The proposals also redefine some of the responsibilities of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The document titled, The Nairobi-Cairo Proposals: Renewing the Instruments of the Anglican Communion, contains suggestions on restructuring the Anglican Communion and expanding its function to better reflect the “diversity and breadth of the worldwide Anglican Communion.”
Prepared by the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO), the Nairobi-Cairo proposal was published in December 2024 following an extensive consultative process that started in 2022 in Nairobi with the aim of exploring how structures and decision-making can be reviewed to help address differences in the global denomination. The resulting paper was then the main topic of discussion at the Commission’s annual meeting in Cairo, Egypt in December 2023.
IASCUFO Chair, Rev Dr Graham Tomlin said the proposals to renew the instruments of the Anglican Communion were arrived at following extensive consultations from a wide breadth of perspectives “on the issues that divide us.”
“All together, we present the following paper as the product of deep listening and honesty across theological and cultural differences. It proposes a way forward that all members of the Commission are able to commend,” he said.
At the core of the proposal, the Commission called on the Anglican Communion to “reclaim their oldest ideals, founded in Scripture and the ancient faith of the Church” even as it reminded members to keep the unity of the church and to discuss the decisive issues “honestly and directly.”
The proposal suggested a review of the 1930 Lambeth Conference Statement that describes the nature and status of the Anglican Communion. The review outlines three key principles that will define the churches of the communion; they seek to uphold and propagate the Catholic and Apostolic faith and order as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer; they are autonomous and promote a local expression of the Christian faith, life and worship within their territories; and they are bound together through their shared inheritance, mutual service, common counsel in conference, and historic connection with the See of Canterbury.
The second proposal suggests reconstituting how the meetings of the Instruments of Communion are convened, chaired and presided over, primarily replacing some key roles that are held by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The Nairobi-Cairo proposals suggest that the Archbishop of Canterbury will no longer be expected to convene and chair all meetings of the Communion. The Commission also recommended leadership changes in other instruments such as the Lambeth Conference, the Primates’ Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC).
The aim of the leadership recommendations, noted the Commission, was to adjust the way these instruments function to encourage “a more collaborative and equitable leadership model” that reflects the diversity and global nature of the Anglican Communion. Although the Commission insisted that the personal and pastoral role of the Archbishop of Canterbury remain unchanged in the Communion, the proposals suggest a “wider sharing of responsibilities.”
The Anglican Communion has experienced significant disagreements and divisions particularly in recent times that led to a straining of the bonds of unity within the denomination.
A statement by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev. Justin Welby, supporting same-sex relationships in October 2024 sparked intense debate and threatened to divide the Anglican Church.
The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) disassociated itself from the Church of England and denounced Archbishop Welby as its leader following the statement. Other church associations and churches said Rev. Welby’s view was inconsistent with the Bible.
GAFCON, an association of Anglicans that seeks to uphold biblical teachings on contemporary cultural issues, stated that the Archbishop’s view “attacks the very core of biblical authority.”
In November 2024, Rev. Justin Welby, resigned due to concerns about his handling of a sex abuse case involving the deceased John Smyth who sexually abused countless boys and young men in the 1970s and 1980s.
As the Nairobi-Cairo proposals are presented for consideration, adoption and implementation by various organs ahead of the 19th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council in 2026, the Committee hopes that the proposals will be more of a unifying process in divisive, uncertain times.
“Even in moments of disagreement, there is always an opportunity for dialogue and mutual respect,” said Most Rev. Dr Sammy Sheheta, Primate of the Province of Alexandria, Egypt and IASCUFU member. “I pray for open hearts and minds in seeking common ground and solutions that benefits us all.”