
  • Which worldview fits?

    By Jeff Fountain Europe

    Freedom to do what we want – rather than what we ought – is deceptive. Yet we live in a society where the right to be free to do what you like is widely accepted. It’s called liberalism. We are autonomous individuals, we are told, free to pursue self-interest, free to discover our ‘authentic selves’. At the same time, freedom is a concept championed by Christian thinkers throughout history. Freedom of conscience, closely linked with freedom of worship, is the keystone of all freedoms. Luther’s i

  • Korean mission delegation at ELF2024 seeks dialogue, collaboration between Korean missionaries and European churches

    A high-level delegation of Korean mission leaders spoke at the European Leadership Forum (ELF) 2024 in Wisla, Poland held from May 25-30, about their desire to see dialogue and collaboration between Korean missionaries and the local churches in Europe. Leading a session titled How Can the European Church and the Korean Church Work Together?, three Korean leaders shared about principles and some initial recommendations “how the 2,000 Korean missionaries serving in Europe and the European Church c

  • European Leadership Forum kicks off in Poland, highlights need for Biblical attitude in post-Christian culture

    The European Leadership Forum (ELF) 2024 has kicked off with more than 800 Christian leaders from all over the continent meeting from May 25-30 in Wisla, Poland. Keynote speaker during the opening session was Australian author, professor, and historian John Dickson who talked about the attitude that Christian leaders should espouse in the post-Christian culture that is prevalent in Europe today.

  • “I realized I couldn’t look away,” UK pro-life campaigner talks about prayer, his arrest, hard realities and where he puts his hope

    Pro life groups protested outside the U.K. Houses of Parliament on May 15 as members of parliament debated decriminalising abortion. One of the protestors at the event was Christian Hacking, 34, the public engagement officer for the Centre for Bio Ethical Reform UK. In an exclusive interview with Christian Daily International, Hacking, who is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ, shares about what motivates him to protest against abortion and talks about how he was once hauled into a police van


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